Verejné korčuľovanie v Tréningovej hale

Sport events 2/1/2023 5:00 PM - 2/28/2023

Dear sports and ice fans.

Due to the peak junior competitions and the approaching play off of the hockey extra league, we are announcing the following changes in the organization of public skating in the Training Hall of the Ladislav Troják winter stadium in Košice - STEEL ARÉNY:

Every Wednesday from 17:00 to 18:00, starting on (Wednesday) 02/01/2023.

Always on Saturdays from 17:00 to 18:00 hours, starting on (Saturday) 02/04/2023.

In addition, we are preparing puck skating for you, every Saturday from 18:00 to 19:00, starting on (Saturday) 02/04/2023.


Price list Public skating

1 x admission adult: €4.00
1 x entry child under 140 cm: €3.00
1x entrance companion: €1.00
the price includes a dressing room.

We do not rent skates and hockey sticks.

Entrance to the Training Hall from Jánošíková Street, next to the parking garage.

In the premises of the Training Hall, you can purchase refreshments in the form of a buffet, which is located in the dressing room between the changing rooms, and the restaurant on the 1st floor will also be open on weekends.
We look forward to your visit, the Košice Arena team.

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hockey HC Košice

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Košická aréna vstúpila s Košice región turizmus do vzájomnéj spolupráci
týkajucej sa podpory, propagácii a informovanosti verejnosti ohľadom turistických a súvisiacich možností Košického kraja.

Košická aréna

Nerudova 12
040 01 Košice

Company ID: 35556501
VAT ID: SK 2021839941


+421 55 300 96 66

facebook steelarena

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